Hello everyone,
I hope that those of you who have had a test with me in the last month are feeling really well now.
If not, please do ask for a bit more testing.There will be no charge for this.



When I test anyone, I am aware that the detailed information that I present is for some people too much to absorb.  So here are some reminders for you, and for those of you who are too far away to have a test, this may help you too!

Frequent daily use of foods or drinks causes a susceptible person [usually someone with a history of allergies in their family,] to develop an intolerance.

Not sure what you might be reacting to?

What do you regularly eat or drink, [even in small amounts] three or more times daily?

Think dairy products, tea, coffee, a favourite fruit, fruit juice or fruit squash. No food or drink is less likely than any other to be a cause. So anti oxidant rich, caffeine free green tea consumed five times daily could be your poison.

Cocoa and orange intolerances can occur when the frequency is not as high as three times a day.

If you eat chocolate twice a week it is unlikely to be a problem for you, but once daily is too often for most people. Orange is the most common fruit intolerance, even if it is not used that often.

Wheat and gluten intolerance [according to my figures] is rare, despite what we are led to believe in the press.

Less than 2% of the people that I test are intolerant of wheat. If there is a problem around bread, then it is more commonly yeast or a preservative.



Tea or coffee intolerance

When you re introduce tea or coffee after a three month avoidance, and your favourite drink EVER does not taste nice at all, avoid it for one more month.  Nature is trying to tell you something.