Mary RoeHello everyone.

I hope that those of you who have had a test with me recently are feeling much better.

There is no added charge for this. So please get in touch. If you have only achieved moderate improvement, please let me know as I expect you to see more improvement than that.

There are an increasing number of you living far away from me who are trying to get to the root cause of their symptoms by reading these newsletters.

  • My new website is now live at <>
  • I shall be providing information sheets from my website for a very small cost very soon.
  • My book ‘Be your own food intolerance detective’ will be available to pre-order very soon.
  • The aim of all of these is to help those of you who cannot get to me for a test gain enough knowledge to help yourselves.

I have had another article published. Follow this link

Cow’s Milk Intolenance


It is a strange thing that if ever ask a client which foods they dreaded learning were the cause of their symptoms, I can almost guarantee that particular food [or drink] is the main cause.
Take the person who uses tea, coffee or cola when they feel really tired. ‘ I’ll just have a coffee and I will feel better’. What happens is the food the person craves or gives them a ‘lift’ is the food that is their poison. When the level of tea / coffee for example goes down, he starts to get withdrawal symptoms [headache, tired, irritable], he enjoys a cup of coffee / tea etc, the level is topped up, he feels better and thinks that is the answer. He DREADS being told that his favourite staple drink is the cause of his symptoms, as he KNOW S that he needs it to make them feel better.
Unfortunately he will need to go through a few days of feeling worse before he feels better. Or cut down on amount and frequency of use until he has cut the favourite beverage out of his diet.
One third of my adult clients is intolerant of tea, and one third of coffee…a big percentage when you bear in mind that not every adult is a regular tea or coffee drinker.
Without exception they all either regularly drank three or more mugs of their favoured drink daily, or had a history of doing so, and had since cut down.
All of them were completely surprised to find that it was a drink rather than a food that caused their symptoms.
95% of those people who have cola or energy drinks twice a day or more is intolerant of either the flavouring or the dark brown food colouring in those drinks.

SO for those of you who have not had a test with me, bite the bullet, and cut out the very item that gives you a lift and enables you to cope with your fatigue. Especially if it is something that either now or in the past was consumed several times a day….frequency of use is the main reason for developing an intolerance to a food or drink.

Josie came to see me for advice about her Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She had been colonoscoped and nothing abnormal had been found. She had tried the FODMAP diet on the advice of her gastro-enterologist, without seeing much improvement to her symptoms. She was convinced that wheat was one of the causes of her IBS, as she always started bloating after her lunchtime sandwich, and then her tummy gradually felt worse until by the evening she looked 7 months pregnant, with obvious associated discomfort. She also felt that vegetables upset her, and fizzy drinks.
On testing though it was her six times daily mug of tea that was the culprit. She suffered bad withdrawal symptoms alongside worse IBS symptoms for about 4 days. But then everything settled down really quickly, and she found that she could eat bread, vegetables, and drink fizzy drinks with no problem.

Tell me again Mary
If you manage to avoid a problem food well for a week or two, and then in error or ‘just because’, consume it again, you will find that the symptoms suffered are much more severe than usual. So don’t take that risk…

LACTOFREE products are not milk free, though a common perception is that they are. These products are either low in lactose or have the enzyme LACTASE added. This is of benefit to any person who is not providing enough lactase to digest lactose, but will not help a person who is intolerant of cow’s milk products.

The only way for you to know definitively whether you are truly lactose intolerant [ie lactase deficient] is to be referred for a hydrogen breath test.. OR avoid cow’s milk products for a couple of weeks. If your symptoms improve try out some LACTOFREE milk. If the unwelcome symptoms return, then your problem is cow’s milk, not lactose.


What are the most common food intolerances?
Results of 235 adults and 65 children Jan 1st to August 29th 2015.
Children Adults
Cow’s milk products 77% 38%
Cocoa 44% 43%
Orange 49% 28%
Yeast, all cheese, all yogurt 0% 34%
Coffee 0% 33%
Tea 0% 32%
Apple 29% 11%
Sweet artificial flavours 12% 10%
Aspartame 11% 6%

There are quite distinct differences between the adults’ and childrens’ results. For example there were no children who were intolerant of yeast, and yet it is one of the common intolerances in adults.
Nearly all the above foods were being consumed 3 or more times daily, apart from

  • Cocoa, which seems to be a problem for any person who consumes chocolate in some form every day [not necessarily more than once a day]
  • Orange, which can be a problem for people even if they rarely use the fruit.

So for those of you who cannot get to me for a test, cut out the foods on the above list that you are consuming more than twice daily, cut out chocolate if you eat or drink it every day, and cut out orange.

That’s all for now
